A trend we continue to see in the hiring landscape are firms lacking clarity around who they are trying to hire. This month, I want to discuss the thought framework an owner should employ before hiring a new planner. Part of that thought process is to resist the temptation to hire an exact copy of themselves and over-emphasize the business development component and skillset. However, notwithstanding the consensus view from consultants that having a bunch of people in an organization with ...
Avoid These Mistakes So The Candidate Says ‘Yes’ To Your Hiring Offer
During the last year, if you have had a smooth interview process and made a successful hire, congratulations because many did not have the same experience. The market of available young talent continues to be very limited, and now more firms are hiring due to improving stock market conditions. Furthermore, you will probably not have as many people interested in your role as you may have had in the past. Due to the plethora of openings stemming from the growth of the profession, job seekers ...
Quash Quiet Quitting
You have probably heard the term “Quiet Quitting” by now. It is seemingly ubiquitous when describing the labor force post-Covid. Quiet quitting, or quitting-in-place, is really a fancy name for a problem that employers have dealt with for centuries: lack of employee engagement. When team members are “quiet quitting”, they are only doing the minimum to collect their salary, and it can be disruptive to any organization by slowing growth and damaging culture. Quiet quitting can take ...
Getting a Head Start on Your Hiring
The beginning of the year into the late spring historically has been a popular time for financial planning firms to hire as firms seek to recruit college graduates graduating in May, bring on additional support for the extra work during tax season, and to service the increase in new clients starting their financial planning engagement with the firm. Even though the market has been down for the last year, we anticipate more of the same type of hiring demand this year, based on the increased ...
What New Planners Want Part 1 of 2
“...I’ve about had it. I don't know what these people are looking for and I’m tired of having to try to cater to their needs…”Sound familiar? We hear from a lot of frustrated firm owners across the country about the recruiting and retention challenges they have been facing in their firms, especially over the last few years. We are certainly in unprecedented times when it comes to navigating the human capital component of your business, and while it can be frustrating at times, it is part ...
Turning Employee Resentment to Contentment
“I’m tired of working so hard for my boss, who is never here, so they can drive a Tesla!” We heard this recently from an employee at an advisory firm. It certainly isn’t the first time we have heard of employees resenting their bosses, but it is seemingly becoming more common. In this case it wasn't really about the Tesla, it usually isn't - it was mounting frustration driven by several underlying issues. Keep in mind at the end of the day it is your firm and you can drive whatever you ...
First 3 Things to Delegate to Your New Planner
Often times hiring firms are unsure of where to best utilize their new hires. In this month’s article, we will discuss the first few tasks you should delegate to your new planner to help your firm grow and to retain your new hire for the long term. Due to a previously existing shallow talent pool and the recent Talent Realignment, hiring is especially challenging right now. If you are successful in having your offer accepted, ensure you are getting the maximum return on your new ...
Compensation Structures for Your Team Members
Even though the Great Resignation has typically had its greatest effect on lower wage earners in the restaurant and hospitality industries, financial planning firms are not immune. In turbulent times such as these, firms need to ensure they are on target/closely monitoring the compensation structures to decide if a revamp/adjustment is necessary. In this month’s article, we will review the most common compensation models for new financial planning professionals just starting out. The below ...
Interview Questions You Need to Be Prepared For
The mistakes job seekers make in interviews have been well documented, but the firm owner interviewer is prone to blunders as well. In this month’s article, we are going to review the most common questions job seekers report to us that hiring firms are flubbing in interviews causing job seekers to rethink their interest in the firm and remove themselves from consideration. So here are the questions firm owners need to be most prepared to answer, and some tips for succeeding in your ...
Caleb Brown was interviewed on a September 2015 episode of the XY Planning Network Radio
Caleb Brown was interviewed on a September 2015 episode of the XY Planning Network Radio ...
Caleb Brown was featured in the June 2015 edition of Investment News
Caleb Brown was featured in the June 2015 edition of Investment News ...