Karina Linehan is an Associate Advisor with SAGEbroadview Wealth Management based out of Morristown, NJ. She joins me on the show today to share her career journey from corporate America to the financial planning world.
Listen in as she shares how she started in financial planning, what her responsibilities are as an Associate Advisor, and what the first few meetings of the new client experience are like at SAGEbroadview Wealth. We also dive into how her role with the firm shifted as a result of bringing a new growth idea to the owners, and why she volunteered to document processes as a way to help the firm grow to the next level. If you’re in corporate America and are considering a career in financial planning, this is an episode you won’t want to miss!
What You'll Learn In Today's Episode:
- What Karina’s current job entails. (1:55)
- What the new client experience looks like at her firm. (5:45)
- How Karina’s role changes with different customer segments. (11:00)
- How her role has changed to help the firm grow. (15:15)
- The catalyst that caused Karina to volunteer to document processes. (17:30)
Ideas Worth Sharing:
“What do we want our new client experience to be?” - Karina Linehan Share on X “Cash flow deserves its own meeting with young professionals.” - Karina Linehan Share on X “If we don’t have the expertise for it, then we are looking for third parties that do have the expertise. - Karina Linehan Share on XResources In Today's Episode:
- Karina Linehan: LinkedIn
- MoneyGuidePro
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